Get support in the assessment of occupational risks
Articles L4121-1 and L4121-2 of the Labor Code, as well as decree 2001-1016 of November 5, 2001 oblige the Employer to create and follow a document relating to the assessment and prevention of occupational risks, benefit of the health and safety of "workers": the Unique Professional Risk Assessment Document.
Thus, on the basis of an audit carried out at your establishment, two orientations are possible:
PREMANYS advises you on the IT solution that best matches your objectives and means.
The aim of this intervention is to provide you with personalized support in the management and prevention of occupational risks in order to prevent them, while formalizing the project approach using the Single Professional Risk Assessment Document.
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Perform a diagnosis of occupational risks to improve prevention
In order to reduce RPS, we adopt an approach carried out in partnership with the employer, the occupational physician and the various prevention players.
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) cover various conditions affecting the joints of the upper or lower limbs and the back. They are the consequence of work accidents and positions not adapted to the physical capacities of the staff (professional wear and tear).
Psychosocial Risks (PSR) cover various difficulties that can arise in the workplace: conflicts between staff or with users, harassment, stress, etc.
The improvement of the Quality of Life at Work (QWL) within a company is based on a regulatory basis: the National Interprofessional Agreement of June 19, 2013.
The identification and assessment of COVID-19 biological risks is based on technical, normative and regulatory knowledge, but also on a set of know-how.
Deploy ergonomic analyzes to optimize occupational health and safety and productivity
Ergonomic studies make it possible to "correct" existing work situations.
Ergonomic studies make it possible to "design" machines, tools or architectural plans.